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Seismic Analysis of Single Column Structure and Regular Structure: A Comparative Study

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Seismic Analysis of Single Column Structure and Regular Structure: A Comparative Study

Prof. M. Z. Shaikh | Om Padmakar Patil

Prof. M. Z. Shaikh | Om Padmakar Patil "Seismic Analysis of Single Column Structure and Regular Structure: A Comparative Study" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-7 | Issue-5, October 2023, pp.736-744, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd60015.pdf

Structural analysis is mainly used for finding out the behavior of a structure when subjected to some action. This action can be in the form of load due to the weight of things such as people, furniture, wind, snow, etc. or some other kind of excitation such as an earthquake, shaking of the ground due to a blast nearby, etc. since all these loads are dynamic including the self-weight of the structure because at some point in time these loads were not there. The distinction is made between the dynamic and the static analysis on the basis of whether the applied action has enough acceleration in comparison to the structure's natural frequency. Structural design of buildings for seismic loads is very important for structural safety during major ground motions. The recent earthquakes, in which many reinforced concrete structures have been severely damaged or collapsed, indicated the need for evaluating the seismic performance of buildings. In particular, the seismic rehabilitation of concrete structures in high seismicity areas is a matter of growing concern, so damage qualification of buildings must be identified and an acceptable level of safety must be determined. The aim of this project is to study the seismic behavior of G+ 8 RC regular structures and single column structure at ground storey using ETABS software.Maximum Storey Displacement in regular structure is 18.36 mm and 27.54 mm in zone IV and zone V respectively. While in single column structure, it is found to be 17.94 mm and 19.14 mm in zone IV and zone V respectively. It means that maximum storey displacement is increased in zone V as compared to zone IV. Whereas maximum storey displacement is increased in single column structure as compared to regular structure. By providing shear wall, storey displacement gets reduced. Maximum Storey Drift in regular structure is 0.000787 mm and 0.00118 mm in zone IV and zone V respectively. While in single column structure, it is found to be 0.000766 mm and 0.000818 mm in zone IV and zone V respectively. Results show that maximum storey drift is increased in zone V as compared to zone IV. Whereas maximum storey drift is increased in single column structure as compared to regular structure. The lower base shear is getting in regular structure and the higher base shear is getting in single column structure. Base shear in regular structure is 159.1529 kN and 238.7294 kN in zone IV and zone V respectively. Base shear in single column structure is 248.5192kN and 372.7789 kN in zone IV and zone V respectively. The joint of the single column structure holds to be weak under seismic loading. Necessarily requires the strengthening the joins of single column structure. Results show that maximum storey stiffness is increased by providing shear wall in single column structure. Single column structure offers best resistance to lateral loads. Maximum Storey Stiffness in regular structure is same for both zone IV and zone V as 1089102.20 kN/m along X direction and 781140.815 kN/m along Y direction. In single column structure, it is also same for both zone IV and zone V as 1258905.50 kN/m along X direction and 824590.56 kN/m along Y direction. Hence, it needs optimum design procedure to proceed for further studies and also for construction. In time period, there is no change in all single column structure and regular structure. It remains same 1.56 sec in both structures. The single column structure can be used for architectural purpose by giving the pleasing appearance to single support member, which increases the aesthetic appearance of the structure.

Earthquake Analysis, Static and Dynamic Loads, Seismic Coefficient Method, Storey Drift, Storey Stiffness, etc

Volume-7 | Issue-5, October 2023
IJTSRD | www.ijtsrd.com | E-ISSN 2456-6470
Copyright © 2019 by author(s) and International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Journal. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0) (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0)

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